Welcome to Embedded-Knowhow , a site for students, lecturers, and practitioners, providing back-up information for  books authored or co-authored by Tim Wilmshurst.


Book Cover, Fast and Effective Embedded Systems, 3rd EditionFast and Effective Embedded System Design - from bits and bytes to IoT, with the Arm Mbed. 3rd Edition    
Support site coming soon!

This Third Edition is a complete rework of the previous. Starting with the introductory, it goes all the way to the Internet of Things. All sample programs are compatible with Mbed OS Version 6, and apply Mbed Studio or Studio Cloud as development platforms. There are new chapters on RTOS and IoT, with new co-author, Tom Spink. In production, publication by July 2024.

The Elsevier Book Site.                  The Amazon Book Site, from which pre-order can be made.   Note that there are currently errors in the blurb on each site, which has been reported. Notably, the chapters on Digital Signal Processing and Digital Audio are no longer included.


Fast and Effective Embedded System Design - Applying the ARM mbed. 2nd Edition
 Support Site (with Lecturer/Instructor Support)

This book shows how to apply the ARM mbed. It also gives a comprehensive introduction to embedded systems, and to C/C++ programming. The book is a major rework of the first edition, with new chapters on wireless, digital audio, hardware issues, and internet applications.





 Fast and Effective Embedded System Design - Applying the ARM mbed
 Support Site (with Lecturer/Instructor Support)


This book shows how to apply the ARM mbed. It also gives a comprehensive introduction to embedded systems, and to C/C++ programming.




 The Derbot Project
Build guidance, ideas for customising, getting it going, what others have done.
 "Derbot Challenge" images and task statements, 2008 onwards.


An Introduction to the Design of Small-Scale Embedded Systems.
Support site

This book (now definitely old!) has a more theoretical approach. Its chapters go deep into a range of important topics, e.g. memory technologies, data conversion, numerical routines, low power supply, and design methodologies. It is useful for students and practicing engineers who want to gain a deeper understanding of the main issues impacting embedded systems.



 Translations and other Contributions

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The site is maintained by Tim Wilmshurst, who can be contacted at  t.j.wilmshurst@gmail.com

Revised: February 28, 2024.